Friday, April 24, 2009

Adsense secrets

To make a consistent income with Adsense, you need to put your nose to the grindstone. You need to work for it!

Here are some secrets to get you started earning a solid income quickly with Adsense:

1. Strike while the iron is hot. Find out the hot trends in the media (which celebrity is in the news today? Which new revolutionary product is hitting the market this week? Which game console is getting publicity this week?) and create blogs all about those hot topics. Optimize your blogs for the search engines and post them up at bookmarking sites like Digg and Stumble Upon. You'll create fast cash because you catering to the current demand when the searches for those keywords are hot!

2. Build sites based on the top paying keywords. Go to and you'll find a goldmine of all these keywords which pay by the bucket load for every click your ad receives!

3. Place as many ads in as many areas as possible. Use a setup like this: a banner at the top, a skyscraper banner at the side, and ad banners in between paragraphs of your content. This setup is guaranteed to get you the maximum number of click throughs.

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